model.setCurve(curve, params)

Set Curve parameters

The first and last x value must -100 and 100 and x values must be monotonically increasing

@status current Introduced in 2.2.0

Example setting a 4-point custom curve:

  params = {}
  params["x"] =  {-100, -34, 77, 100}
  params["y"] = {-70, 20, -89, -100}
  params["smooth"] = true
  params["type"] = 1
  val =  model.setCurve(2, params)

setting a 6-point standard smoothed curve

val = model.setCurve(3, {smooth=true, y={-100, -50, 0, 50, 100, 80}})


  • curve (unsigned number) curve number (use 0 for Curve1)

  • params see model.getCurve return format for table format. setCurve uses standard lua array indexing and arrays start at index 1

Return value

  • curve status data:

    • 0 - Everything okay

    • 1 - Wrong number of points

    • 2 - Invalid Curve number

    • 3 - Cuve does not fit anymore

    • 4 - point of out of index

    • 5 - x value not monotonically increasing

    • 6 - y value not in range [-100;100]

    • 7 - extra values for y are set

    • 8 - extra values for x are set

Last updated